Monday, May 6, 2013

All of Kaplan's Flyers

Our employer's previous attempts at "setting the record straight" All (17) of Kaplan International Center's anti-union flyers they distributed to us during their campaign. Take a trip down memory lane!


  1. These are awful and amazing! Thanks for posting!

    1. I love the one with all the hands reaching for the megaphone...First paragraph says how it'll be illegal to deal with individual employees over their working conditions etc. But didn't management offer a clause right at the start to allow for this exact thing?

      The best bit might from the the Q&A flier though (yeah like those were real questions)...First question is something like "I heard some people are interested in increasing standards industry-wide? This confuses me..."

      The answer goes something like "No my poor confused child, this vote is not actually a referendum unions. You're just voting on having the Newspaper Guild as your union."

      Gee thanks for clearing that up!

  2. We need a post with the Union flyers! It would be great to upload those to the Facebook page, too. Students would share that kind of information.
